Lawn Care Expectations
- Lawn Cut weekly – Lawn no more than approx. 4” height.
- Sidewalks and driveways edged monthly, minimum.
- All trees, poles, landscapes, etc. trimmed weekly when lawn cut.
- Lawns watered at night to prevent browning.
- Weeds removed from seams / cracks in sidewalks and driveways.
- Bush and Flower areas planted fully and trimmed and de-weeded.
- Weed control throughout lawn to remove dandelions and weeds.
- Snow shoveled from walk if over 1.5” of snow.
- Pet waste quickly removed from lawn (within 2 days, worst case).
- Pet waste immediately removed from other’s or common area lawns/landscape.
Board Enforcement Parameters *
- Lawn over 6”+ high.
- Sidewalks and driveways not edged twice in a season.
- All trees, poles, landscapes, etc. not trimmed in over 4 weeks of growing.
- Bush and Flower areas not planted fully and trimmed and if significant number of grass and weeds are present in landscape (over 8 or so).
- Snow shoveled from walk if over 1.5” of snow.
- Pet waste, more than 3 or 4 deposits, left in homeowner’s lawn (more than 2 days, worst case).
- Any pet waste left in other lawns besides homeowners.
*Enforcement Process, Fines, and Member Rights are defined in By-laws.