How much is the association fee?

The association fee per house is set at $175 per year. The fiscal year starts May 1st and the fees is due by June 1st.

What does the association fee cover?

The association fee covers many things.

  • Landscaping, flower planting, watering of common areas
  • Snow removal and holiday lights at the front entrance
  • Annual block party
  • Capital improvements (past projects include mailbox replacements, front entrance lighting, landscaping of Twin Oaks island, tree maintenance in common areas
  • Retention pond upkeep

How can I pay my dues?

Currently the association accepts payments in the form of checks only. Please mail or drop your check in our treasurer's mail box. You can find the name and address of our treasurer here. Please write the Lot# on your check to help us process the payment promptly & correctly.

How often the association can increase the dues ?

According to the Article V, Section 3 of "Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions" document the Annual Assessment may be increased by 10% every year without a vote from the Members. Any increase above 10% requires a two-third votes of the Members who are voting in person or proxy at a meeting duly called for that purpose. In 1999/2000 year the association fee was set at $125.00, since then the fee only increased twice by $25. Last increase was primarily instituted to take care of snow removal from 2005/2006 onwards and to pay for the replacement of mailboxes in the coming years.

How can I get the latest copy of DCCR (By Laws)?

You can get the latest copy of DCCR [Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions] or By Laws here.

What if I want to make some external changes to my house?

If you are planning to add a swimming pool, deck, patio, fence, outbuilding, or any other structure then you need to submit the plan of any such change to the association board for approval. Please read ARTICLE VI of the DCCR carefully before committing to any such work on your property.

When is the association fee due?

As per the DCCR, the association assessment is due every year in May for May 1st to April 30th next year. The payment should be received by May 1st in order for your account to be in good standing.

When is trash day?

Trash day is Wednesday, unless the Monday is a federal holiday, then it is on Thursday.

Who is responsible for the plowing of the roads?

What are the watering times?

(From the City's website)
Sec. 102-394. - Restriction.

To conserve water and reduce water consumption during peak hours, the outdoor watering of lawns, gardens, plants, trees, shrubs and other landscape shall be regulated as follows:

(1) Applicability. This section shall apply to all customers of the city's water supply system engaged in outdoor watering. However, this section shall not apply to outdoor watering from a well, pond or other water source that is not connected to or supplied by the city's water supply system, nor shall it apply to outdoor watering associated with commercial agriculture, farming, tree and plant nursery and golf course operations.

(2) Automatic system hours. Except as permitted in subsection (c), below, outdoor watering by means of an automatic or programmable landscape irrigation system may be done only between the hours of midnight to 5:00 a.m., [State of] Michigan time.

(3) Manual irrigation. A water user may, at any time, manually irrigate landscaping by means other than an automatic or programmable landscape irrigation system. Also, an automatic or programmable landscape irrigation system may occasionally be used in unprogrammed manual mode for brief periods and as necessary for testing, repair and winterizing purposes.

(4) Request for relief. If the foregoing outdoor watering restrictions create a hardship, the water user may request relief from the director of the department of public service or the director's designee. The requester shall specify the nature and duration of the requested relief and shall explain the hardship caused by the restriction. The director or designee may grant, modify or deny the requested relief, taking into consideration the contractual obligations of the city regarding the city's water supply system, prevailing weather conditions, any unusual or extenuating circumstances, water supply and water supply system conditions, and the particular circumstances of the requester. The decision of the director or designee shall be final.

(5) Violation. The water customer and the owner or occupant of premises where outdoor watering in violation of this section occurs shall be responsible for a municipal civil infraction in accordance with Chapter 66 of the Code of Ordinances.

a. First offense. For a first offense within a calendar year, the violator shall receive a warning, with no fine.

b. Subsequent offense. For any subsequent or repeat offense within a calendar year, the violator shall be responsible for a municipal civil infraction punishable by a civil fine of not more than $500.00 and/or such other sanctions for municipal civil infractions prescribed in section 1-16 of the Code of Ordinances.

(Ord. No. 524, § 1, 8-11-2008)