Cumberland Woods Annual meeting April 10th 2013
Meeting called to order 7:06 pm by Jen Schneider (Secretary)
President Welcome (Ron Konicov)
Announced Board positions that were open.
2012 Completed projects (See Newsletter)
Road repair of Lakeridge was brought up President told people that the same was planned for Longmeadow and Woodfield way
By Law Issues (See Newsletter)
President discussed that letters were delivered to residents that were noncompliant in the By Laws. He explained that we had one complaint and that he will apologize to James D’Onafrio personally.
A question was brought up on how to report an issue. The answer was to contact Ron ( the President though phone or email or to contact us through the website at
Pet Waste (See Newsletter)
Annual Dues (See Newsletter)
Vacation Planning (See Newsletter)
We will provide a name of Joe DeMartino on the website for those interested in calling his company to do as needed services like snow plowing or lawn cutting while on vacation etc.
Question was brought up about the sidewalks being shoveled in the common area. The answer was that the board had discussed this. We are in the process of bidding this out for next season because we felt there was a need. Declarks will be asked first because they do our current snowplowing service.
2013 Projects (See Newsletter)
BUDGET by Polly Fernandez (Treasurer)
The Treasurer discussed the budget and the outstanding association fees. We have 11 residents that have not paid dues. They have been notified and are in different levels of the retrieval process. Some are making payments.
A question was brought up; Do we charge the resident for the lien or small claims court. The answer was that as of yet we have not charged them for the liens. Those charges are minimal. We do charge them for small claims fees.
Residence are not surprised when they are put in lien or are going to be brought to small claims court. We give them several notices.
Question: What are our reserves?
Answer: We have $22,777 in reserve you are supposed to have 10% in reserve and we are at 80%
Question: What is the 10% from?
Answer: 10% of the annual dues in for the year.
Opened the discussion New Business started at 7:50
A resident brought up that the road repairs done on Lakeridge looked bad. The concrete is different colors.
The President discussed that we were used as a pilot for a new program on road repairs in Michigan. He said that he spoke to several people at the Road committee and we basically had no recourse. He suggested residence called and complain to the committee. Ron will post that information on the website for residence to help us. Paul Sheumejko 248-841-2489 [Call: 248-841-2489]
Residents wanted to know if the road was going to be repaired leading into the subdivision off Livernois and if the entrance would be shut during that time. The answer was that it was scheduled to be repaired and that as of this time they did not let us know if they would be closing the entrance or rerouting us to use only one side.
Vice President Rob Marvin update
Snow Plow
Discussed Snow plowing and that we went with DeClarks because once again they were the lowest bid by far. They are supposed to come out when we have 1.5 inches or more. A resident brought up that there was one time that we had a big storm and during that time residents had a hard time getting out of the subdivision. On that particular date Declark’s came out during the night and one of their trucks broke down and had to be towed out. They came in the morning to finish the job. We should have put a notice on the website and will in the future if that is what people want to know.
We pay by the season not buy the push.
Lawn Care
Green America was the lowest bid.
Christmas lights
A resident brought up that the Christmas lights were out of synch and suggested we look into a light sensor for them. We will do that.
Director Mala Pearson
Discussed the Events committee’s that we need to get volunteers for described all the various on-going committees as well as we’d like to start and passed out a sign-up sheet:
Neighborhood Watch Committee: Chris Oakley and John Baran will head this committee. We also need a resident from each street to be in charge of that area. Some things they would do would be: if a neighbor was on vacation and the papers were piling up remove them, walk on their drive way if there was snow. Be the contact for the street for any suspicious activity etc.
Neighborhood watch should post a bulletin on the website reporting important info to the sub.
Mala will contact web designer and see if we can send out a text message and how much it would cost as one of the residents would prefer this rather than email so we can get safety issues in a timely fashion.
By Law Revision Committee: Several By Laws are dated and need to reviewed and addressed. Each by law needs a 51% vote to make it official. One By Law was brought up about having only one vote per house home and that it should be two if there are two people living in the house. As long as their names are on the mortgage. Another was that you should not be allowed to be a board member unless you own a home in the subdivision and pay dues. Greg Wolf, John Baran and Chris Oakley volunteered and will get started soon.
Question was brought up about garbage placement by a resident who received a letter from the board asking them to be displayed out of site from the street. They stated that they have no room in their garage and do not want the smell in the summer.
The president addressed this by saying that it is in the By-laws that is must be out of view from the street and that this is for the benefit of the subdivision and potential buyers. He gave several suggestions as to other placements.
Block Party Committee: We are in need of volunteers or we will not have one this year-sign up on the website if you want to have one this year!
Survey Committee: Needed to ask residence information regarding improvements etc. for the subdivision. Sign up if interested.
Capital improvement was suggested: Lighting for the subdivision. We will look into the cost liability and the need for safety purposes. We would need lighting in common areas. The city has requirements for up lighting and down lighting so that will need to be looked into. The President Volunteered to look into this
New House The sidewalks, Port a potty, bricks and trash were brought up. We have sent out and talked to the new resident several times. He just did some clean up but we will be asking him to remove the mud from the walk way, push back the port a potty from off the side walk and clean up the trash. In addition we were told the pile of bricks are there because they are going to use them to build up the driveway. We will see if they can move those to the back.
The hold up is Consumers Power --they have to wait until there is no threat of frost so they can reconnect the main line.
Parking horizontal in the cul-de-sac – was addressed. It is illegal and needs to stop.
Voting for the new positions:
Show of hands of people interested in the open positions? None
Vote for Treasurer to remain unanimous-Polly Fernandez
Vote for Director to remain unanimous-Mala Pearson